During non sports seasons I used to eat a whole bowl of ice cream everyday after school. I would hide the bowl in the back of the dishwasher out of shame but my parents always knew.
During non sports seasons I used to eat a whole bowl of ice cream everyday after school. I would hide the bowl in the back of the dishwasher out of shame but my parents always knew.
So we’re just like what....5 years from people wearing nothing but oversized football jerseys 24/7, right?
The thing that’s stunning is that as yoga pants have become more acceptable in non-yoga scenarios and by non-fitness people, they’ve actually covered less. They now have panels of see through mesh and stuff. Like…
Interesting new tact for NFL players: Suspend yourself before Goodell can
Nomad has been one of our favorite premium tech accessory makers for years, and their latest offering puts Tile…
Shep McAllister gives bad advice to make money.
Shep McAllister gives bad advice to make money.
Billy Joel warned us about this.
Pizza Rolls or Hot Pockets. They’re always just the wrong temperature, and you could probably use a torch to crisp them up at the end!
You don’t see a ton of products on Amazon with nearly 5,000 reviews, but this Waste King garbage disposal manages a…
Apparently you’re not familiar with Title K-IX.
And now he’s going to be disqualified for having the runs.
Holy shit - this is just a straight forward informative post explaining the answer to an interesting question. Well done.
A girl with a camo hat and septum piercing heaves a load of brights into a washer, then slouches through the…
More like Adrian Parabola, amirite? *gets volleyball spiked in the face*
That’s still $238 more than anyone should pay for Tab.
House vs apartment ≠ owning vs renting.
Dusty Baker had a nice story after the game about how this was the first triple play he’d ever actually witnessed. His only other opportunity he’d missed apparently because he’d left the dugout for a mid-game bathroom break, only clued onto something cool happening when he came back to see the dugout celebrating.
The Australians are simply used to their toilet water draining the opposite way down the walls.
I always open a fresh bar of soap to wash the dirty one.
a tomato plant is a heat loving plant. I think there's only a month long stretch when tomatoes are really edible. a ripe, new jersey beefsteak at the end of summer? delicious. just give me a salt shaker and a little balsamic vinegar. a supermarket tomato in January? this was picked un-ripe, tossed in a box and…