What is an “ordinary civilian”? Are there “abnormal citizens” that can be forced into soldiering?
What is an “ordinary civilian”? Are there “abnormal citizens” that can be forced into soldiering?
Also, we should be careful not to conflate “signing up for the draft” and “fighting a war.” And my original point was, the more people signed up for the draft, particularly after societal tumult surrounding the Vietnam War, the less likely (theoretically speaking) our country might be to enter into wars, because…
No one should ever have to do anything they don’t want to, but them’s the breaks.
If they could set it up so that everyone had to register and, if necessary, serve, then I’m all for it. No exceptions for grad school and the like. No rich kids getting exempted because their daddy’s a senator. Everyone signs up, and if there’s a war, everyone goes. It would bring greater diversity to our military and…
Lol. “But enough about Prince...” And this: “tight clumps of bodies accreting in doorways” No.
This is dumb.
Two brands fight over third brand.