While i enjoyed the typical fantasy setting and art of the first DA, Mass Effect is by far THE most over-hyped, overrated, sterile, generic, rpg, 3rd person(poor mans gears)action title EVER to be released.
While i enjoyed the typical fantasy setting and art of the first DA, Mass Effect is by far THE most over-hyped, overrated, sterile, generic, rpg, 3rd person(poor mans gears)action title EVER to be released.
The fact the media keep pasting the word "Doctors" in front of these two douche bag nerds names is so completely pretentious, honestly do they require you call them Doctor while in their presence? They're video game designers for Christ sake.
Lol! You're the one who started pulling specs out of your ass at an attempt to win a losing argument, and what's worse is you don't even know what they are or do.
Are you completely retarded? Don't answer that, we already know the answer.
It looks low rez and mediocre, and it actually doesn't look as fun as i'd hoped it would, thanks for proving my point, and thanks for saving me money.
And you keep paying top dollar for shit on shit hardware!
I'd love to play the new SSX but I wont play it on some shitty 7yr old console with terrible PQ, If they wake up and release a proper version on PC lemmie know.
Anything to charge more for less.
Well how big of them..
I just can't wait to see how bad Randy Pitchford and his team of nitwit's fuck up the PC version, then give it 0 support.
I am truly perplexed as to why developers and studio's have become so incompetent at game design today, it's as if we've gone back in time to 1994 when 3d was new to gaming and no one was sure what good design was.
Fuck Rockstar.
Typical answer from a console fanboi.
Yeah let's not move forward with technology, even though our hardware is old and decrepit.
I'd laugh at you but it seems you're actually being serious..
Tekken is the only fighting game i felt deserved my time and effort to learn and semi-master.
This is why the world hates America.
You're not only a troll, you need to pull the tampon out of your dusty vagina and go find a friend, or better yet a hobby.
Unlike some folks, i don't sit on any one site awaiting responses.