
And still no FoV fix for PC customers who want to vomit while playing the game.

I don't know who you choose to game with but not all circles are made up of ragers.

I set the DVR to record this and I still couldn't get through it all.

Everything about this trailer is nothing less than damned fine work, including the track.

ZOMG it's Tony Hawk in HD?!?

Really like the way you laid that out, thx.

Oh Microsoft! you're so kind to us all!

Ah, but where to begin? You throw out so much idiocy with each and every sentence you write.

You sound like a lawyer.

I love adds with my paid service!

This is proof of drug use in America.

Omg just stfu please.

I blame piracy..AAARGH!

Would you rather them blast it for being a well done addon for the sake of them going against the grain because it's a AAA title?

The character models look pretty bad.

This game has been broken for me since release day.

I grow tired of complainers of complaints about call of duty.

I once had hope for this sequel, but it's looking more ridiculous and adolescent with each and every video these guys release. We truly are in the Call of Duty generation of games right now and i grow tired of the stupidity.

Day one purchase

It's a miracle, and it'll still be weighed down with 14yr old girls who look like boys and 15yr old boys who look like girls, God awful dialogue scenes that run WAY too long and a tried and tired formula that Squeenix just can't break themselves away from.