
Fuck you Sony.

The sad thing is I'll bet he's not very good anyway.

And that's exactly what they want you to do.

It's always good to know where Rocksteady/Warners priorities are.

I dig me the Kotaku but seriously this site is complete garbage. Pics not showing up, having to reload the gdamned page over again just to get things to load correctly at times.

Good on ya ND.

If she's so unhappy then maybe she would serve herself better by just moving on.


I love love LOVE the modding community behind PC games, and thank them for their work to make most games even better in some way.

This reeks of desperation.

Mount is 25.

The game still looks dated and rough imo.

Gdamnit I love Skyrim!

Are you high or just stupid?

"What people need to understand is that extra content is something that you have to plan," his colleague Cliff Bleszinki adding "You don't just lift up a rock and say, 'oh shit, there's new levels!'"

Agreed 100%

Can you guide me to these mods you speak of? The UI is terrible for PC users.

Impressive as Uncharted is on the old Cell Processor, It's still only in 720p and with it's measly 2xAA it is still a jaggie mess compared to what it looks like on the PC's they built it on.

They changed it for good reason, because item durability is retarded.

Same engine, same scripted 5hr campaign, same multiplayer, same tired looking maps, same exact assets that were in cod blops, same lazy assed publisher charging a premium for it's annual rehashed garbage.