
Bethesda sucks donkey nuts at everything but environmental design.

What a fucking joke.

It's laggy if you ever played an fps on a machine other than a console.

Your mother didn't complain about me being slow, and my xbox is fine, you xbox dipshits are just used to accepting substandard graphics and framerates.

Halo wont be perfected until it runs on a machine(next gen console)at over 24fps.

I'm on my 8th 360, literally.

/twirls finger

These people need to have their license taken away, company dismantled and then lined up against a wall and fucking shot.

Not an Ice-T fan at all, he can keep all his rapper rhetoric..

1.Giant balloon breasts. Check.

I don't know whats more exciting, this coming to console or being forced to watch a fucking commercial in order to view the gdamned video!

I loves me my Ipad 2, but these tablets really need more options for hardware analog sticks, rubbing your fuckin thumb around on a piece of glass for hours just doesn't cut it.

I'd pay extra for those fucking morons at Gearbox to implement..

How original, it seems you're not only a blithering dipshit, you lack the ability to judge what's a good game at a fair price and what's console fodder.

Isn't it great that a developer who made a game for the PC crowd had the courtesy and sense to put in controller support for those that enjoy it that way?

Let me see..

Says the idiot.

$100? No thank you.

Sorry we lost our internet connection and it booted us out.

No kidding.