
If Mac's supported more games and weren't so expensive I'd buy one in a heart beat, It beats me having to build and constantly dick around with Windows and all it's bull.

While I'm not against DLC per se, It's nice to see a developer who put everything they wanted into their title and then sold it all to us for one fair price.

It's a redneck fight!

It's a redneck fight!

I couldn't disagree more.

One can argue it was an Act of God but I firmly believe it was an Act of Mother Bachmann and Father Perry.

One word.

If it means doing whats right then It wouldn't bother me one damn bit to wait longer for quality games, If it means treating people right then I wouldn't mind waiting at all.

Wanna tissue?

There's a reason why millions of people buy it annually, it's called marketing and 15yr old males, and of course dipshits like yourself.

And it's a blithering idiot who assume's, I'm sure with your amazing wit you just rock the call o dutyz yo!


If you don't think for one second this is not about money..and money alone, then you need to wake up.

And it's mindless drones like this that support the entire fucked up industry and somehow he accepts it like it's THE only way things can be done, and what's even more frightening is he sounds proud of being forced to work unrealistic hours in his chosen profession in order to get a product out by an unrealistic date

" coming to the Xbox 360 first."

Crunch time is common and it's nothing more than slave labor in the gaming industry.

I love my Ipad 2 and you're 100% right.

No shit!


And this is an industry publishing leader?