
Oh of my favorite games has just gone into the shitter.

His long awaited 5th book came out yesterday I believe.

Sorry, I didn't mean to be so harsh.

I'd say you need to wake up son.

Time Warner is as evil if not more so than Comcast, Time Warner is a fucking joke.

I'm truly sorry to hear about your plight.

You're a fucking idiot.

I think I'm good.

I have to agree, It would be nice if they would specify some real numbers.

Even though I hate giving Microsuck more of my need to move on and upgrade.

The world looks great, however the animations and models look a decade old.

With record profits in the gaming industry this just screams greed.

I hate to admit it but I'll take my iPad over my ds or psp anyday of the week.

You win at links!

Aww..wanna tissue?

I have an idea, go die in a fire mr.self righteous douche bucket.

And the truth has finally been uttered on teh interwebz!

DIE ASSHOLES!..Just..fucking die!

Could not agree more.

You know it's spelled America right? Still the greatest country in the world, even with all of our problems. Just making sure..