
Cause most of the important things will never be changed either, our government is corrupt and is run and controlled by the rich, what are YOU going to do about it?

Is there a reason why this was even posted?..

I'm running a high end rig.

At this point the games development industry rings disturbingly close to Chinese sweat shops.

I loves me the Android but IOS and further more Ipad is kicking mobile gamings ass in everyway.

Ya think Yerli?

I wouldn't mind seeing Adobe put out on their ass.

It's more beautiful than I ever imagined!

Fuck you Micro$oft.

LOL! He needs permission for what? cared enough to respond.

Another bloated politician hypocrite.

That's a pretty short sighted response kiddo..

Can I have my minute of life back?..

I think it moved..

This is pure win right here.

LOL! Downright fucking epic.

Wow Owen, that's not a pain in the ass at all.

I like the writers at Kotaku but whoever the douche bag, moron, fuck bucket was in charge of the sites new layout should be punched in the face many, many times.

I bit.