

All good points and for it being your first I can understand how much you could enjoy it, it does play well and it does so many things right, it's a solid title no doubt.

Good question, I thought I read they started from scratch for Crytek3 engine.

Aren't they both still based off the old Quake3 source code?

Are they really using the VERY SAME engine as the first 4? LOL!

Agreed, also keep in mind a large part of Sony's problematic launch was them insisting on pushing the Bluray format at which time was deep in a format war and the drives alone were prohibitively expensive even for Sony to produce.

At first I was, then I was like..huh? Then I was!

If Nintendo's new hardware is some half baked next gen box which cannot play current games like Crysis 2/Skyrim/Witcher 2/Rage in full 1080p with all eye candy on, then they fail in my eyes.

We all can see Intelligence isn't your forte.

How original.

Sorry I wont sign up to a redirected site just to take a fucking poll.

I'll buy it used, simply to say "Fuck you Rockstar" for participating in these ridiculous retail, dlc games.



My history sucks but I believe there was a time when congressmen could only serve two terms.


That system has proven to work better than any in the world, like i stated already, It's the corruption that is the issue here, period.

The system itself is fine, It's the corrupt men and woman who are abusing the system.

I don't feel one bit sorry for the banks, infact fuck the banks right up inside their greedy, bailed out, service charging, meaty, puss filled colon.

Business as usual in America.