
Not only are these guys liars, they're incompetent liars.

Does the word "Focus" mean anything to these guys?..

Fucking morons at Sony. GG.

Fail Sony..Fail.

How's it free if I already paid for it?..

My God when are they going to stop making these female characters with giant balloon breasts?

Hehe, you just dont get it do you.

I'll have to disagree, concerning the current consoles It's a well known fact the lack of memory in both the ps3 and xbox is the bottleneck in most cases, especially this late in development.

I do realize 4gb is sufficient for most gaming pc's, and im sure 1gb would be a large improvement over the current 265mb for ps3 and 512mb for xbox but we're also talking about these companies attempting to have their console shelf life last 10yrs.

It'd better have atleast a quad core processor and a helluva lot more system ram than a measly 512mb, they'd better have atleast 2-4gb ram an a dx11 capable graphics chip to be able to last a console cycle.

Annalee do you conjure up these same kind of philosophies when you go to the store to buy some bread?

I have Jade Empire for PC somewhere around here..must find it.

Rip off.

We need new hardware and we need it yesterday.

That took balls to post, props.

Hey Kanji, read this, take it slow, read it over and over again until your handicapped, shriveled melon grasps it's meaning, we can only hope that you can embrace the fact you're getting fucked, but as DeadnBuried pointed out, you simply enjoy being fucked from behind and that works for you, just don't expect anyone

It's not bonus content you moronic halfwit, you are so fucking clueless, plse go slap your whore of a mother for squeezing the idiot, idealistic fucktard that you are out of her useless vagina.

I love blithering fuckwits like you who defend even the most ridiculous of things just for the sake of argument.

Wanna tissue?..
