
Do you defend the banks bailout also?

It's still separation of content and the consumer loses. Period.

You're talking out of your ass. Try again.

Who's your retail channel in Mexico?

Fuck you Walmart.

Your attempt at being witty is pathetic, you're seeing an entire team of psychiatrists aren't you?

You my friend are a blithering idiot.

Those are some strong statements m'friend. The little I've read is MS doesn't even have their n-gen console team in place yet, they haven't even found a lead engineer for their graphics division.



Thank God Blizzard doesn't support console's atm cause it keeps most the kiddies off the adult games.

Once again you have nothing, every single one of your fail responses is some half baked attempt at being witty..of which you fail, but none include any sound rebuttal, I win, you lose. Go take a look in the mirror and see the complete fuckwit staring back at you.

I'd pay to see that.

Jesus, you go on and on, so I take it you're the bitch in this relationship?

Wow, nice comeback.

LOL! What..did I upset your boyfriend Baraka? Can he not fight his own battles now? LOL How sad. You, like your boy toy, basically two flaming old queens who come off like two spoiled brats.

That's what I thought..

Judging by the way you just stuck your nose up my ass to smell my brand I'd peg you as a stalker who likes the cock. Move on with your life, I also don't know if you chose your ridiculous name to try and be witty or if you just have 0 respect for your country because your a completely useless fuckbag who just needs to

Hi Pot, I'm Kettle.

I aint your bro.