
/Cheers Valve!

@Mokon: You seem to forget you insulted me first " Get off your high horse, you'd do the exact same thing."

@Mokon: LOL thats it?

@Mokon: I have another option for you, how bout you shut your oversized dillhole.

@impsythealmighty001: it safe to assume that China as a whole is made up of nothing more than thieves as it pertain's to electronic's and software?

What a completely retarded and fucked up country.

@Dark_Mirage: Considering he's nothing more than a suit with one goal, numbers. I'd have to agree with Schafer, the guy is a fucking meat puppet.

Bobby Kotick 0

@McNutsack: You sound like a spoiled rotten douche bag.


@Kuwabara Kazuo: Good for you, welcome to one of the best third person/action horror games ever put out.

Complete fail.

@SnoopyFish: Own a computer much? It's one of the most prevalent signs to a video card overheating..

@Synthos: So, what exactly is safe distance between consoles? His table top looks fine for ventilation, the console's are spread out far enough to be safe, his setup is just fine.

@Space Bot: I think the point here is, the video card inside the system is overheating therefore it is producing artifacts on screen, its a well known issue with Microsoft's console.

@notrock: Are you kidding me?

@galerian: I want cookies with my techno!

@dirtymentality: It's nice ot see his bf helps him fight his battles..good for you!