
@Armagetiton: We're all well aware the Warhammer series is much older than WoW and that Blizzard has made an entire living ripping off Games Workshop's IP's.

@amazinglarry: what an intelligent response, I'm sure it's difficult for you to pound out anything of substance what with you having to focus on breathing in and out.

Is this guy the son of Cole or something? That was not Cole..

@Pious_Martyr: Uhh look again, the engine itself has that slightly cartoonish look just like WoW's and it's sporting the same color scheme's.


WTF! it looks like WOW!

@wocyob: Oh and for the record im still on my first(knock on wood)60gb PS3.

@wocyob: I have both systems and i agree wholeheartedly not supporting microsuck, the problem is im an addicted gamer, i have large catalog of games for this gdamned system, i didnt pay for the replacements, i simply went out bought another xbox and put the dead paper weight in it and took it back to the store.

@woltz: agreed, these fuckin guys just dont listen to the community..

Im on my 8th 360(not kidding, and i take care of my shit.)and these fucking douche bags keep coming out with new iterations.

@Unspellable: Wtf does that mean anyway? You sound like an old gf..

@Stephen Garrett: I dont know enough about the UK's system to comment but i agree with you, i believe the US is still the greatest country in the world and i dont say that to mean "we are better than you" it's still a place people run to for freedom and opportunity but our government is completely corrupt at this

Fuck Rockstar, they are made up of nothing more than arrogant fuckin boys who abuse the people who actually do their work for them.

@Unspellable: Btw are you fuckin santa clause or somethin or just fuckin retarded? Just sayin..

@hismastersvoice: LoL..actually no i voted another but it doesnt seem to matter these days who i vote for, they all seem to do nothing..

I didnt realize we would have to wait for video games to enlighten us with the truth..

Fuck you, more taxes isnt the answer, this smells like another bailout.