
@Seulb: Well you're definitely in the minority thinking the LoTR Trilogy by Peter Jackson is garbage.

@IMD1: Its good news, what..would you rather have another redundant fucking Halo Reach article?

@Desu-San-Desu: Agreed, i cant help but think that it would have been a somewhat darker and more fantastical film with Del Toro at the helm.

Are you sure that it wasnt Activision that fired him?

@Seulb: Oh yeah its garbage..i mean it's The Hobbit! What trite!..And the author was a hack!

This looks like complete ass.

@vitiumcloud: Look folks, its well known their is a massive "dead zone" in the controls of K2, just hop on over to the official boards and read one of the 10 millionth threads that have been posted on this subject.

@SALVATlON: I've addressed the issue, read my response again.

@MetaMammoth: $20 bucks says it had nothing to do with race or color.

Omg cry me a RIVER!

@SALVATlON: ..And you're such a man's man for choosing the hard labor route over something less manly, gosh us scrubs that use our brains over brawn must be complete idiots!..Or is that just your way of justifying the career path you chose in life to make yourself feel better?..If in fact you are a coal miner.

@Brazell: By all means lets play the justification game.

@Fociz: Wait its going to be in 3-D, that means it will run in 1152x640p and look like shit so we can wear uncomfortable, overpriced glasses and a 120hz 22'monitor when i'd rather play on my 40' in 1080p.

I guess its too much to hope for 60fps and non-retarded controls this time around?..Cause i know 1080p is out of the question..

Haha! this post is win.

@PacJack360: Im sorry to inform you that you are still a moron, the fact that you base your argument off of how many replies one gets tells me you suck at arguments and dont have a clue.