Okay, that's it. You're in analogy time-out. No analogies for you for a week!
Okay, that's it. You're in analogy time-out. No analogies for you for a week!
I doubt they will get their money back, but I can most certainly see their point of view when it comes to feeling betrayed.
Kinda like how everyone in Eastern Europe were so happy about Stalin liberating them from Hitler, huh?
Hey, I'm just responding to OP. He's the one wanting so-called "core gaming" from Facebook from all places.
Core experience? Facebook games are designed for the specific purpose of creating a captive audience for their ads. They are only a step above "free" cell phone games which are unbeatable unless you purchase expensive game items and upgrades.
We're more upset that Google didn't step up to the front here. The perfect parent company for Oculus is Google not Facebook.
But we know Facebook. Hence, we know how Zuckerberg thinks. As I said, he's going to change the focus of the project entirely, to make it likable to the "mainstream audiences", facebook happy drones.
I say let the Zuck talk.
Come on dude. Don't be stingy. One of us will have to sit on the other's lap.
Well, Update One shows that Facebook owns OR now.
you are assuming facebook is letting them keep company control. lol
Fuck you. You aren't taking my fucking spot.
It already had infinite cash sources, Oculus Rift was ultra hyped and surely wasn't short of investors. But these news utterly change the core focus of the entire project, because I'm sure Zuckerberg doesn't give a fuck about hardcore gaming, just cares about social bullshit.
Except that someone, at some point, is going to want a return on investment on that cash.
For fuck's sake, if Oculus Rift becomes an accessory for a goddamn Facebook console like the Ouya or something retarded like that, I'm taking the first shuttle to Mars and never coming back.
Wait, so Facebook bought OR for $2 billion and out of the goodness of their hearts will let them run free through Triple A games funland and not be strapped down by Facebook social functions and its stellar line-up of browser games?
they are absolutly going to fuck with that. The release mentions immediately that they are going to make it the most social communications device ever. That doesn't read "gaming device" to me. It reads some sort of shitty virtual social media space that you can load yourself into. Virtual meeting rooms, I would…
I know how Facebook makes it's money.