“They are human beings, with families and feelings.”
“They are human beings, with families and feelings.”
Just curious, how is detaining, and deporting, people who have literally broken the law (no one is denying that illegal immigrants haven’t) akin to genocide?
This comment makes zero sense. Are you suggesting that illegal aliens haven’t broken the law? Or that there have never been situations in the past in which law enforce require legal identification?
It’s almost as if the majority of comic book characters are white men.
Used to have family that lived in northwest Arkansas. I can confirm this.
The reality of the situation is that there aren’t any Japanese actresses that are big enough stars to shoulder a big budget movie like this.
“It’s normal behavior you’ll see in extreme circumstances.”
You should read the Book of Revelations (and conservative interpretation of it). Their end game is all in there. It even explains why they have such blind love for Israel!
“actually, he’s amazing at his job.”
Except that Goodell avoids Boston like the plague.
I can’t help but feel that this sort of thing has always happened, only stories like this are just now getting widespread notoriety because they support the accepted narrative about the administration. That doesn’t mean that the narrative is wrong, just that you see similar nazi related vandalism under President…
“having all this nasty, shameful stuff since its inception but also a desire to be an ideal land of liberty, acceptance and self-determination for all.”
The thing bout Spicer is you can’t tell if the flubbed lines are intentional or not.
Nothing you said means that Watson is right for the part. Your points only illustrate that there are some superficial similarities between the characters.
The scary thing is that a lot of Trump supporters dislike establishment Republicans (almost) as much as they do Democrats. They don’t see a difference between the two, and think both parties are culpable in turning their backs on American workers (white, former Middle class). I don’t think one of the Bush’s speaking…
Nah...I’m pretty sure him being afraid of bats is in a few depictions of the character.
At what point did this convo change from “maybe you shouldn’t say something disparaging of an entire race” to “you should be nice to Trump supporters”? I think you are conflating the two a bit. Sure, a ton of white people voted for Trump, but a ton of white people also voted for Hilary. Because there are a ton of…
lets not act like white women haven’t helped perpetuate that “hostile society” as well. as for where i was, i wasn’t born until the late 80's, so things were pretty much set up before I came around. as for now, i’ve spoken out about dangers of the Trump administration, and have sent emails/made calls to my…
All white guys want to infringe on your rights as a human? My point is that blatantly racist statements, even those directed at white people, are unproductive. If I were a white guy, new to progressive ideas about privilege, microagressions, etc, I would immediately be turned off if I saw someone say something like…
They forgot Roman Polanski is a rapist. They forgot Woody Allen is a pedophile. It was an open secret for quite awhile that Cosby was a rapist. They have short attention spans.