
The parochial backwater where I grew up in rural Oregon has one of these.

Saw this fine example outside my gym one morning 10 years ago.

I can’t even imagine the load it would remove from my shoulders if I didn’t pack around the knowledge that a medical bill for my wife or I is liable to take our house from us in the next 15 or so years.

Maslow’s Hierarchy is upstairs/downstairs.

20 years ago I was on a flight from Copenhagen to SFO and I was seated next to an Asian woman, and after awhile struck up some small talk so I could get that out of the way and go to sleep.

I asked her if she was in tech and if she had been out of the country to work, or holiday.

Turns out that she was Danish, and

I prefer “kicked out of Europe for being religious nutcases” ; by people who used stuff like this on people in the name of Jesus.

This one.

Swing voters are an odd lot...granted maybe swing districts aren’t so dependent upon swing voters per se.

But honestly, how do you get toI can’t make up my mind between this centrist pro business democrat, and a fringe right conspiracy touting racist?”

Don’t get me wrong, assholes in the county where a bunch of asshole

If you can do wheelies, then you can do wheelies.

If you can’t do wheelies, then you must stay at home.

haha. No names. No good names, no bad names. No babies, honey’s, darlings, or sweeties during sex.

Just no.

I’m 50, and losing my hair, but am currently cultivating (by that I mean doing nothing) the Sting as Dune’s Feyd-Rautha look with my hair.

See? AI is your friend, not at all like the stories...

Wow. That seems reasonable, but the idea of “a long enough straight” as in that the driver could have been going > 150mph for multiple minutes, is indeed terrifying.

Wow. I really wanted a purple gingham check shirt (0r was it a tie?) 15 years ago when I wore a jacket to work.

Find something simple, like accounting, or bookkeeping, being an electrician or something. And start doing it, and keep doing it.  And stay physically fit.

Before you know it, you’ll be 50 with 5-6 weeks of vacation coming to you, and enough income for fancy vacations or expensive toys.

or not.

Trust me, I know.


Jump back, what’s that sound?

Ooh, we could cover some books with deVos...actually her brother Erik would be better.

There’s some equally bad folks out there who’d pay real good money for that.

The both sides are as bad as each other is a tedious, and dangerous;right wing masquerading as concern’ argument.

I’m several years past giving people who make it benefit of the doubt. I consider them dishonest until they prove they’re just ignorant.


Wage earners are supposed to have 9 months of pay in reserve for emergencies, but corporations are so mismanaged that they are about to go bankrupt after two weeks of reduced profits.

Your grandparents and mine (parents actually) might die for the sake of the economy if this guy gets his way. I’m sure he has no intention of dying.

“those of us who are 70 plus—we’ll take care of ourselves”

I’m sure he plans on the ultimate sacrifice, that is retreating to his estate until this all blows over.

To borrow

I picked the wrong week to stop eating gummies.

I picked the wrong week to stop eating gummies.