
The big question in my mind is: Why? What changed?

I suspect that at some point there was a strategy push from the conservative hierarchy to game(?) the polls by lying about it or refusing to answer.

Nice work from Gosar there, tiptoeing right up to using the sort of Templar/crusader imagery so popular with the white supremacist crowd, but keeping it free of the religious symbols in order to maintain plausible deniability. *(&!! teabagger.

edit:  I don’t know much about him, maybe this is the sort of stuff he does

Not gone by Jimmy much in the last 35 years, but, yeah, while I can get most things inside the Focus, and most (small) project lumber on the roof rack, hauling gravel, sand, wood chips, and things like the old cedar fence that I turned into raised beds on Sunday don’t work all that well in ye olde hatchback.

That’s been going on for awhile though, and jobs off-shored two decades ago moving to Indonesia isn’t making America great, as it were.

For going on 30 years now I’ve been saying that the jobs will come back from China when Americans are willing to work for Chinese wages.

I haven’t read the article, but I interpreted the headline to mean the same thing as your interpretation.

I could be missing context.

:O I heard an (the?) interview this morning with the anaesthetist who assisted in the rescue.

It was amazing, esp when I get overly anxious over trivial things like deciding whether I should get my hair cut before meeting old friends.

I usually jump to picking out and posting statistics and/or charts showing the discrepancies in businesses spread across the (in this case, demographic) groups in question.

But this information is not simply common sense, it’s right there for anyone, using a 3 second google search, to access. People asking “What about

The first thing I noticed was the fox bots as well.


Wow, it’s almost as big as the Octavia.

Right. The germs (in the first place) don’t come from your (surely) freshly bathed ass. They come from the doors and hand rails.

Of course touching surfaces, then introducing those cultures to the nutrient broth stewing in your trouser’s growth medium makes you a clarty bastard the very first trip to the toilet.


Apple, along with (The) Railroad and Washington (cars/drivers/plates)

are the three words in my vocabulary that are always preceded by a grawlix.

Sports fans. It’s sports fans. Well, fans of spectator sports specifically. I’d like to see the cross section of people kvetching about this that are also fans of boxing or MMA.

Right? Can you imagine a 456 wagon? The mind reels.

Yes, I’m taking my dogs for a drive, again, for ice cream.  I may even walk them when we get there.

Black is so much better on this car than red.


One of my primary nemeses from junior high and high school sported this look. See you, ya ugly bastard, you look ridiculous.

Lol, or worse.