
I like the tie downs but I’m one of those weirdos who sometimes carries stuff in his truck.

I like the tie downs but I’m one of those weirdos who sometimes carries stuff in his truck.

Ted Cruz has never been able to pass himself off as a decent human being, not even in contrast to Donald Trump.

Right. I want to see a record for parking in a tight space and then leaving it.

The biggest difference- there’s less need to consider a low residue meal before launch. On a 27 hour flight everybody _will_ be using the toilet.

Well, if you hunt animals for meat, they all come wrapped in skins. And if you scrape the skins for the leather there will be a pile of hair just sitting there.

If I forget to take it off when I get in the car the mask stays on until I’m stopped, because sometimes the straps catch on the earpieces of my glasses.

Hmm.... A big bank of lithium batteries on the bottom of a boat trailer... what could possibly go wrong?

It sounds like the perfect plan- David can fix the van up, declare his intent to export it, and then scrap it when something horrible breaks down. The German authorities might be angry if he sold it instead or the van broke due to intentional poor maintenance but he’s going to be posting everything he does to repair

One word. And this will change your life. Seconds.

Back in 1985 the Soviet Vega probes deployed two balloons in Venus’s atmosphere. It’s not heavier than air flight, but it is flying.

I always thought that RVs sharply limited the places you could go. 

Or if you’re cheap, just put 12 volt bulbs in your 6 volt beetle.

They are resigned to having a bad year, but confident that it will not be their last year. 

Don’t forget the weight of the coffin.

In a year or so Jason could truthfully sell someone a second hand Changli, perhaps needing an engine swap anyway after he and David take it mudding out by Jordan Lake.

Minivan? Jeepster? Unimog? The police chief’s immaculate Crown Vic? Just how cool is your neighbor?

“Buy cheap, sell dear” is a lot older than horse trading. But if the dealer can convince you that this is a new thing,  the sky’s the limit. Like an 80% nitrogen mix tire filling or a transparent tint window upgrade.

This is a good second or third car for someone with an “interesting” car habit. Otherwise the day will come when you are coming home from Autozone with a big stack of boxes On.The.Bus.

Today we had a heavy rain and about a foot and a half of water in the street. It happens. Everybody ran out and moved their cars into the driveways or around the corner. And with a well designed system it should be safe to stand with your feet in the water and disconnect the charger and then drive off before the water