
Considering Nintedo almost certainly based the 3DS's original price on their estimates of Vita's price, it's not surprising they would move to undercut their only competitor before its launch, especially since the Vita's pricing was so surprisingly low. The only surprise is the care package, really.

As a holy priest that is still playing, this vastly oversimplifies even basic healing works. While healing mechanics have been retooled around the concept of three "main" heals, leaving out the peripheral spells really drains it of both fun and effectiveness. Healing with no shield, echo of light, chakra or renew

"Needs more Lightning."

To the author: Thank you. That was eloquent and well-reasoned in addition to being introspective and meaningful. Extremely well done.

I know! Almost like these are all corporations designed to make money by providing goods and services!

Agree with this post and this article. If we got old-school R6 mechanics and this interesting and impressive story system, I will buy like five copies.

Normally I'd say no, but it's really, really, really, REALLY good. Sell your children good. The only downside is that they only used resampled N64 audio (which by itself was pretty good) instead of one of the huge orchestrations they have kicking around.

While this is definitely impotent whining, it is impotent whining I FULLY SUPPORT.

Maybe developers should invest in some real network security.

@Alexp987: It's not guardianship per se, it's rights to get first crack at guardianship if she becomes disabled, managing her estate should she die, or taking care of her children if she died after having some. Absent a parent/child relationship, they would essentially be strangers in the eyes of the law and be

@Slagathorian: Save the trees and kill the children.: It's also an evidence thing. Whoever is listed on the birth certificate is presumed to be the parent/guardian of the child. By changing the certificate you streamline the process from "here is a mountain of adoption paperwork, judge, sift through it to make sure it

1 is absolutely true, even with AT&T throwing money at them.

While it's hard to say it was GREAT tennis, that match was amazing.

Crow-eating troll eats crow.

I never played XCom. My favorite strategy game is Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn.

I guess I'll speak for the "troll people?" Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars. It was worth my money because I've sunk about 50 hours into it and still have content left, and it's as complex, challenging and enjoyable as any Fire Emblem game. It is one of the best strategy games I've ever played and probably one of the best

One of Ubisoft's launch titles was Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars. It is one of the best strategy games ever made.

This. This. a million times this. Anyone who says that we shouldn't be mad at/blame Sony is either delusional or hasn't fully realized just what a Micky Mouse operation Sony constructed to protect their EXTREMELY valuable data. And continue to do so!

So, Sony oversees one of the largest breaches of personal information security in the history of networking, and it's the customers' fault for complaining they didn't get notified of their newfound vulnerability earlier? That this comment would accompany that avatar makes me very sad.

I'm really skeptical of the "losing Atari millions" line considering Atari has essentially rerouted Cryptic's main continuing revenue engine (their online store) directly to Atari (so Cryptic doesn't get "credit" for purchases) and considering this is only 3 months after Atari itself touted explosive growth in its