"Someone Tell This Guy How Good Chrono Cross Is"
"Someone Tell This Guy How Good Chrono Cross Is"
The only MMO community that I have found to be better/different from WoW is Star Trek Online. Really fantastic people, especially since everyone is now connected by making user-generated content.
I'm eagerly expecting the Sony and Microsoft editions of these articles.
Ranma 1/2 Ougijaanken is one of the greatest puzzle games ever made. Discuss.
So, you have a Wii. You love the series. But you won't buy it at launch because you haven't played OTHER games on your Wii?
I'm not sure where the logic that one so-called "must have" game is worth more than any number of "very good" games. Let's say that you'll play the "MH" game for about twice as long as one of the "VG" games, and we measure enjoyment by how long you play the game (since you don't want to stop). Why, then, aren't two…
Brian, you very well may have handed me a way to bring the 3DS into my household. Like a strategy trojan horse. Brava!
You seem to be under the mistaken impression that this is about getting value for your DS. It is clearly about incentivising the purchase of a 3DS.
@This user was banned: That is a brilliant idea. You need to email that to people, like, now.
For people who are interested, there is a Kotaku reader fleet (small though it may be) and we would be happy to hang out with anyone who plays or is thinking about playing. Just ping @Scazza, @AgentYae, @DaiMacculate or @MrChom if any are online.
@mrantimatter: You have the problem backwards. Everyone will be writing for suite, so everything with work fine so long as the suite works fine.
@mrantimatter: Except Android is so fragmented, what "playstation suite" really means is "this game will work on the playstation phone, and if you pay us a lot we can make it work on your phone."* I'm sure some will pony up for sony to custom-build for their phone. I'm also sure that the vast majority will tell sony…
Super Mario Galaxy 2. As great as these four games are, none of them were nearly as well-constructed, as well-executed, and just plain fun to play. SMG2 was the first game I played to 100% in about 5 years. It took me forever because of all the things going on in my life, but I could not set it down until I had every…
You don't need fancy chips to do this. There is already a software/firmware-based solution.
Is this for real? The entire thread is people making snide comments about a typo? That's the best you can do?
A GOTY list without SMG2 is void. This is moderately to extremely outrageous.
'Square Enix is rebooting Tomb Raider, and wiping the slate clean means no more 1990s-style sexy game heroine pandering. But what does that mean for Lara in 2010? Two words: ripped clothing.'
Great post. I like "Because of the changes to talents and overall changes to the way the skills for each class progress, logging in after an extended absence and jumping right into the new high-level content come early Tuesday morning could be a recipe for disaster, unless you're a Frost Mage like my main. In that…
You only say that because you're angry over how much cooler Anti-Fahey is.