@derek.chiasson: shorter: l2japan, stupid gaijin!!!
@derek.chiasson: shorter: l2japan, stupid gaijin!!!
Wow, this is some mightily vapid infographic!
@Datacide: Many more, actually. Being able to point and aim is much preferable to relational controls (which is what the stick is).
@Evdor: The case has nothing to do with "it's art." The "art" debate is entirely a construct of overly-defensive gamers.
@sweenish: Yeah, this is more like a team saying that blaming the loss on their suspended quarterback is unacceptable. There is a bit of "yeah, that's true, you should've come through anyway" but a lot of "yeah, but it's right. there."
@☆Giroro G66☆: It's true, things are either button-mashing or "stop having fun, guys" tournament play. There is no in-between in the world of elitist fighting game wankery.
@hercules_100_98: This really highlights gaming's dumbest conceit: everyone treats the companies involved like they're their buddies.
@Tsiegtiez: True, but they also won't be receiving that holiday dollar. People are a lot more loose with the pursestrings in the holiday season than they are in March.
@Larro4: Back in the day, games were hideous time-sinks that explained themselves poorly and retained replay value solely by being Nintendo Hard.
And we thought Night Elf Hunters were bad.
@buddyb_bad: Wait, so you're saying that journalists shouldn't be critical of their subjects because they get revenue for reporting on those subjects? Are you insane?
@8thR: There was a football game for the Saturn which tried this. It wasn't licensed and wasn't that great, but it was interesting. Madden's superstar (or whatever) mode does have a tighter camera, compromising halfway.
I'd be more sold on this feature if EVERY week weren't gun week. Given how over our gun cups runneth, I think a non-gun week would be better, highlight some of the non-violent fun video games can give us, because they're often lost in all the shooting.
@omgwtflolbbqbye: That. I used shoulder to run around, mostly because overhead handled collisions really, really poorly. I couldn't manage one battle with the shoulder view, though. If you want to see what is going on with your party, and make intelligent decisions for everyone, you really had to zoom out and survey…
@mrClint: It's true, his point was that different things were aimed at different people, whereas everyone else's comments were pointing out the inanity of your argument. I could see that being more palatable!
@mrClint: Why do they keep making FPSs? Seriously, they're all about different kinds of things that you shoot other people with. Two and a half decades and this shooting-things mechanics hasn't changed. Yawn.
@geiko: It's true, anyone who disagrees with your position is clearly just an uninformed yokel.
I nominate this story's image for a big gamer Arrested Development-style "We Demand To Be Taken Seriously" shot.
@Decoy_Doctorpus: SILENCE!