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    I could see it as Fury not being completely truthful when he made that statement. He didn’t want the Avengers to know about Captain Marvel or the Skrulls. And Thor’s arrival only proved that 20 years wasn’t enough time for them to catch up.

    I believe it was confirmed in the comics that Wakanda has the cure for cancer but they aren’t sharing.

    I’ve seen almost all of the movies and both seasons of the TV show. Murder is the focus. There’s in-universe political and religious propaganda encouraging you to kill, like it’s a God given right. They even have cults, where you are brainwash to give you’re self up as a “sacrifice” to the Purgers as it cleanses their

    Which doesn’t make sense to me. They’ve reference some stuff from the comics like fighting the Eiffel Tower. So it stands to reason that they’ve been very successful, as well as competent as kids, but they act like this is their first mission together.

    That segment broke my 12 year old heart. They were my favorite tag team.

    Yeah, I kept wanting to slap Diego (and all the Hargreaves for not pointing it out) every time he brought up saving Kennedy. It’s the most logical assumption.

    My thought exactly.  I’ve never read the Locke & Key comics but the show turned out to see so YA, I’m not sure if I want to read the comics.

    Anyone else tired of “Lilith”? I know she’s the Mother of Demons but she’s so overused.  I knew he was going to say Lilith before he said it.  Isn’t there anyone else?

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    You probably know him better as Solid Snake from the Metal Gear series but to me he will always be the Guyver:

    I’m pretty certain the part about him fucking the asteroid was all in his head as he dies from the brain tumor.  

    That surprised me that they didn’t have Homelander do it like in the comics. I’ve only seen the first episode but so far I like the changes they’ve made

    Wait, Black Noir is really black? That’s a really big change from the comics. I’ve only seen the first episode so far but I really like the twist of who Black Noir is in the comics. Wow, now I’m really interested where this is going.  

    That’s because every big budget action movie now has to save the world from a world destroying weapon. I just realized that when the Rock says that he’s saved the world 4 times in the Hobbs and Shaw trailer.  

    Not to mention that they didn’t have a lot of room to turn around. Euron practically bottled necked his own ships.

    I’ll give you more stars if I could. I don’t know why everyone on the show (and the audience) thinks that Jon is a better leader than Dany. Everyone is talking like she’s going off on the deep end but so far she has listened and adhered to just about every advise her advisers have given her.  

    They cut out a lot Hugo’s backstory and changed a little of the relationship between him and Alita. I guess they wanted a more traditional love story. In the manga Hugo is so obsesses with getting to Zalem that he doesn’t realize that Alita is in love with him until near the end. It made it more tragic than what the

    Wow, I was not aware of that. That makes absolutely no sense.

    Actually “616!Steve” has killed.

    It’s gender lock though some of the classes are mirrors of each other with differences. Some of them small some of them big. For example the Wizard and the Witch are basically the same class until their awakening. The Wizard becomes fire/water base (and younger) while the Witch is air/earth. Others like the Knight/Val

    At least it’s not EA. RIP Mass Effect.