
I like my peanut butter on a piece of toast, but I slather it on so thick it might as well be straight up. In fact, within the last two weeks I've had it on a warmed tortilla.

No point voting for anyone else. Two of Andrea's votes were removed, and everybody knew that Malcolm did not in fact have an idol. He was cooked at that point, and knew it.

Check your local library. I'm currently in the middle of Season 4. It's fun to see the differences — no one seems to understand strategy at all, except Boston Rob. They keep going to Council with no plan and no idea whom anyone is voting for.

I think it should be +1 for "getting an idol played for you". Not for the persuasion, which is strategy, but just for the fact of having an idol played in your favor.

Man, I must really be terrible if I have the immunity winner and NOT the voted-out, and still lose ground on next-to-last. Still better than half-of-first, though. Now, I'm just in it for the fight against SamR, Cul-de-Zack, and Registered User for last place. I WILL DEFEAT YOU (if everybody but Sherri and Brenda gets

All six of Dawn's children are adopted. She didn't pop out anything.

Hey, I still have "more than half". Of the leader. That's my standard of excellence.

Yessss, I'm out of last.

I was hoping for that exact same scenario.

I would absolutely LOVE it if Michael stepped up in the next episode and said, "uh, I'm not, uh, actually gay, you know".

Fnarf is a he. And I have you all right where i want you. Shedding my weaker players early lets me concentrate on my stronger pla—oh, crap, I forgot to get any stronger players.

"I came out of this like a MAN, not like a little boy".

I have you all right where I want you now!

Russell Hantz is a psychopath. Brandon Hantz is what you get when you're raised around psychopaths.

Brenda was hiding. A lot of them were. You don't want to catch Brandon's eye when he's going off. People were terrified. I was too — I was wondering what would happen if he went after someone with that big knife he was carving with. I know there's a lot of staff around you can't see, but are they prepared to take on a

The thing is, back in the Olden Days (way back in the, er, 1980s and before) it used to be pretty standard to have to pick through your rice, and your beans, before you cooked it, looking for husks and stones and bits of don't-ask. You spread it out on a plate or a board and pick through it. Yeah, it's a pain in the

Hah! I knew picking Shamar would pay off! I'm kickin' y'all's asses! Oh, wait. I'm in last place.

Can I change my picks? If so: Shamar, Brenda, Matt, Sherri. If not, well, I can live with it.

His brother is a rapper named Zip Loc.

His parents were really big fans of aluminum foil.