Farial Afroze

WHY don’t their PR teams coach these idiots on what to say? Disney coached their child stars extensively on how to avoid sticky topics and what to say about things that had to be discussed. Surely Disney doesn’t employ the only competent PR team on the planet, so why do these men keep trying to discuss something they

It’s a totally believable, realistic number when you understand how the societal structures of sexism and this man’s privilege interact, particularly given the industry, but god, I am girding my loins for the inevitable bullshit about women jumping on that harassment/assault/rape money train/attention bandwagon.

I really wish this deluge of testimonies on dozens of serial sexual harassers/assaulters had happened last fall. Toback, Weinstein, Polanski, O’Reilly, Ailes, Uber guy, Top Chef guy, etc, etc, Trump.