If the GOP insists they’re the party of fiscal responsibility and want to reduce government spending, they should be providing MORE money to Planned Parenthood so that women of all income levels can afford birth control.
All the while, I’m sitting there, thinking that’s not what the damn numbers say.
Four years ago, Claire Vaye Watkins’s Battleborn, a book of short stories that delved into the harshness of the…
I hope people just mean the TV media, because print did an amazing job of highlighting all the problems with Trump — and it just seemed no one was reading.
I’ve seen a lot of, “Now you know what we felt like when Obama won” (also one deeply bizarre “I personally would point and laugh if Trump supporters were peacefully protesting, therefore it is by definition impossible for anyone to protest Trump in any way without being a hypocrite”), which is just another window into…
I just don’t understand why people voted for Trump. I understand they wanted to mess with the establishment (even though they clearly didn’t, considering how much of the legislative branch was re-elected), but Trump is the establishment! How were people able to just ignore that he was born with a silver spoon and…
I hope RBG lives forever.
What confuses me the most is why anyone would worship this god. Apparently, god is a spiteful, cruel asshole who makes people gay, and then demands that they never have a fulfilling romantic relationship. If they did they would be sinning, and he would punish them for something that he caused.
I don’t understand how people think that if Hillary wins, the election was definitely rigged, but if Trump wins, that’s just the democratic process at work. It truly defies logic and credulity.
I saw this on the interwebs somewhere - not sure who it’s attributed to - but god damn it is spot on and worth a re-post elsewhere.
I feel like if any politician cites religion as influencing any decision in policy making they should immediately be disqualified to vote on or create said policies. Research and facts, science, let’s stick to that please.
I’d like to ask him to give the reasons that Trump Steaks, Trump Airlines, Trump University, Trump The Board Game, and, Trump Vodka, Trump Mortgage, Trump Magazine, Trump Ice, Tour de Trump, Trump Vitamins, and Trumped! Radio all failed, despite their association with him and his “very very valuable…
What I also think is annoying about this whole “career politician BAD!” movement that has people not caring that Trump has no political experience whatsoever (‘He’s an outsider, we need someone like that!’) is: in what field is NOT having any experience an positive trait that will help rather than hinder you? Would…
“Even as Mr. Trump’s advisers publicly backed him on Tuesday and praised his debate performance, they were privately awash in second-guessing about why he stopped attacking Mrs. Clinton on trade and character issues and instead grew erratic, impatient and subdued as the night went on.”
How were they able to do a colonoscopy with his head in the way?
“The Daily Show” has been hit or miss since my boo Jon left, but they knocked it out of the park with this segment.
See I find this story useful bc it shows that Trump is perfectly willing to screw over his supporters just as much as he is willing to screw over your average American. It's more evidence of what we already knew (but a frightening amount of the public has yet to figure out) — the man quite literally only cares about…