
I’m not sure why politicians aren’t freaking out about this as much as Ebola. Is it because it isn’t fatal unless you’re an infected newborn child? Or is it because it can be spread sexually? Or both? Because from what I’ve learned Republicans will do anything to keep you from aborting a child, no matter the issues,

Glad you made the jump to Deadspin.

Rehabilitation (both for crime and addiction), education, healthcare...these are the most basic human needs that should never be privatized. The benefits they provide to society far outweigh the costs.

“Republicans are pissed at the lack of visible American flags”

He also made an impassioned speech in the Judiciary committee where he explicitly laid out that if the Republican party refused to confirm the President’s nominee, it was changing the rules, and it wouldn’t be able to change them back once the shoe was on the other foot. He said he wasn’t taking a position, but he

Well, to be fair, in Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt, the defendants are a pile of douches, so it works pretty well.

Can we knock it the fuck off with the ‘Sander’s supporters are naïve and think he’s magic socialist Santa Claus who will enact his entire platform with a wave of his magic wand’ narrative? Seriously. Like, we fucking understand political reality. We know that a good portion of Sander’s platform is going to be

Sometimes, loving someone is knowing when to say goodbye.

I just HATE that the fearmongering is cutting off one of the best positive parts that can come out an abortion or miscarriage - the potential for some remains to go to science, to help other fetuses or humanity in general.

Just require everyone who owns a gun to carry liability insurance - that way, we can watch both the gun and insurance industries tear themselves apart!

And it regards to that quote, he only said that because his mother did.

Are you kidding?

“I made my fortune in steel. How did you make yours, sirrah? Technology? Mining? Coffee?”

I’m old. This whole dance “proposal” thing did not exist back when our war was still Cold. It's weird.

Joke is on them, I purposely don’t like anything on Facebook!

Get that fucking stroller and don’t think twice about it. They serve as a place to hold all the shit you buy and drinks/ snacks too. Also a great place to put jackets or sweatshirts in case it gets cold at night.

Even without the kid, the stroller is nice for carrying your drinks, your sunblock, any merchandise you might buy, etc. I would’ve love to have a stroller around to avoid having to haul stuff around the park.

Planned Parenthood has prevented more abortions by providing birth control and women’s healthcare than any jackass right wing group ever has. Fuck those jerks.

Here’s where I, usually a pretty tolerant agnostic when it comes to other people’s religious beliefs, really really fucking roll my eyes. If you’re so deep into believing that things like Adam & Eve and the resurrection actually happened, that those events seem plausible enough to you so that you’d unquestionably

I pay money in to a pool that gets disbursed, it’s called taxes. Money that is used to start unjust wars, which is against my religion. If I don’t pay my taxes, I don’t get to pay a fine, I go to prison. This guy is ridiculous and fails to realize or care that part of living in a society is putting money in to things