
Another thing an embryo can’t develop into if “left alone,” (he must mean outside the womb right?) a living, breathing, human being! Funny how that works...

Medically speaking, the fact that the premature infant (not technically a fetus) was alive for a few minutes after birth is unsurprising and shouldn’t make this more criminal than any other late term abortion. At 5.5 months, the heart is well-developed; the lungs, not so much. This delivery would only have been viable

I’ve also never been anywhere that had so many signs indicating you were under surveillance. I’m not doing anything wrong so I have no worries but it was just creepy.

It’s so convenient that no matter how trivial the topic, God always seems to agree with whomever is speaking for him!

The fact Republicans are trying this hard to discredit Bernie freaking Sanders (who I honestly do support) says a lot about their self worth in the public arena at this point. It really is a matter of deflection because they, as well as we, know that if we were all talking about the GOP’s agenda, coming this election

Me either. And then I was like “Wait, who is he married to again? Jenny McCarthy? No. Demi Moore? No. Oh yeah, MILA!” I seriously think that no one is actually thinking about Ashton or his kids.

If they’re blurring out all the boobs, why can I still see all the hosts’ faces?

A business responded to free market demand and right wingers are mad?

Yeah, because that would really suck if some random’s cashier/clerk/employee’s religious beliefs impeded your ability to make purchasing decisions for your body.

Yes, what is this world coming to when employees can refuse service to customers simply based on their own religious beliefs? I’m assuming, of course, that next he’s going to go after the pharmacists and pharmacy techs who refuse to supply customers with birth control and Plan B. Right? Riiiiight?

So it’s worse than beating your wife, but not as bad as beating your wife but being caught on tape.

“I find it particularly ironic...that the anti-abortion community would choose to use one of the staples of murder, actual bombs, to spread their pro-life message.”

I agree. Because i’d rather see the pics at the end, after I read about what makeup they used. That way I don't have to scroll up at the end!

Yeah. I don’t care what the church’s policies are or what the chill pope does. I left the Catholic Church 28 years ago. What I care about is that they are still trying to affect secular laws and policies. They need to butt the fuck out of that.

Raise your hand if your middle name is Marie. *raises hand*

I don’t understand why some people believe their Almighty God is such a pathetic wimp, they must protect him from all the nasty “others”.

Oh for fuck’s sake.

Is there major Christian holiday that _isn't_ a re-purposed pagan observance?