
Very mean is pretty much the best descriptor for this awful human. It’s not even like she’s spouting conservative talking points like the rest of them do- she’s just MEAN. What the hell kind of “lifestyle” is she going to sell? How to be a white, bottle-blonde, shrew seems fairly easy to figure out on your own.

I don't buy than non-medical people have any fucking idea what is necessary information for a physician to know.

Doctors should certainly not be prohibited by the government from asking about exposure to radon detectors, carbon monoxide, etc. Just because doctor isn't going to go over every possible accidental disaster does not mean that the doctor should be legally prohibited from asking about one of the most common ones!

Another example this debate calls to mind is horseback riding, because when I started teaching my niece to ride horses, she mentioned it to her pediatrician and he gave my sister a ton of information about helmets and head injury risk. If we had a law that he couldn't ask about her hobbies (that was what prompted the

"Everyone knows my religious beliefs, but it is not for political leaders to impose our beliefs. We must push for progress in civil and human rights for all citizens equally. As Governor of Puerto Rico, that's my duty."

He makes a reeeeally good point. If a black person is at the center of a nation crisis FoxNews is "Take some responsibility, it's your fault, take the punishment". Another white teenager commits a mass shooting, a bunch of drunk frat boys chant racial slurs, a cop kills a black child- Mental illness, or its a societal

This is what pisses me off. My employer should have no place in my medical decisions. (It also irritates me that people use medical care to address all kinds of medical needs that might arise from activities the church considers immoral, but they yammer on only about birth control. What is it with people and birth

I'm sick as shit of religious exemptions. The Quakers don't get to pay lower taxes because they object to war and a portion of their taxes go to our military. Not to mention that they're an institution receiving federal funding so I'm fresh out of fucks for their desire for special treatment.

and then Notre Dame would almost surely appeal to the Supreme Court again. This thing could ping-pong back and forth forever, and what fun that would be

I know, right?! Why wouldn't a teenage girl want to tell her parents she's knocked up? I can't think of a single reason she might want to keep that from her parents. And hell, most states consider a teenage mother an emancipated minor and they'd never have to tell or listen to their parents ever again! Much better

hear hear! it's a vicious, self destructive circle... and psychologically damaging to all members of these families. I will also say that I believe a lot of this stems from the lack of decent sex education in schools. I grew up during the AIDS peak in the 80's and we had very comprehensive sex education - granted, I

Go test every ball that is used in an NFL and I guarantee you'll find a significant percentage are under-inflated.

If men could have babies, not only would abortion be legal, it'd be free & widely accessible.

Pro lifers don't really want fewer abortions. They just want more ways to control womens bodies. They won't give up controlling access to sex ed or BC to gain a world with fewer abortions because they care about control, not fetuses.

There is no pre-natal testing available for autism-spectrum disorders, and they are usually not diagnosed (or diagnosable) prior to ages 2-4. Perhaps you are thinking of Down syndrome and other chromosomal disorders?

Either way, it doesn't matter. The definition of a birth defect too major to carry to term is up to

If American politicans really wanted to reduce abortions (without curtailing the right to get one), they'd simply enact policies similar to every other developed nation: Free birth control, better, earlier and compulsory sex education in school, paid maternity leave, child benefits, universal health care/free prenatal

As per usual, completely agree with everything you said.

Yeah, this is what confuses me about really extreme evangelical Christians (or any other extreme Judeo-Christian religion); I can accept that a religious morality code might find lustful thoughts to be inherently wrong. I don't agree with it, but I can understand it. What I don't find logical is the idea that it's

Fundamentalist Jews, Hindus, and Buddhists all get up to the same things as well. Same shit, different outhouse.