
Yeah......I guess when the rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are ensured for every living, breathing child already in this world, I will take the time to consider the rights of criminals. And then once all the living, breathing, criminal adults have their rights ensured, I will worry about the

Which will be a smokescreen for what they really want to say, to wit: "Mothers/women shouldn't be working at all."

You mean, like all the awesome, country-improving shit he said he wanted to do while he was campaigning? That stuff that would have brought us closer to even with the rest of the developed world? Yes. I fucking weep.

It makes sense if you have even an ounce of grey matter up in your skull. I'm not sure that's a description that would fit most people.

Hell, red states still haven't realized that they are the parasites, not the providers.

I'm older than you kids apparently, 'cause that guy there is Dr. Craig from St Elsewhere.

See what you did, Republicans? Lack of funding for science education is hurting small business now.

I terminated a very wanted pregnancy at 26 weeks gestation in June. My daughter had a genetic duplication and abnormalities that would have ensured that her life was brief and painful, had she even survived the rest of pregnancy and birth. If I was not extremely privileged to have excellent health insurance and enough

Hmmmm. Interesting.

What's hilarious is that even if she wants to think of it as "manners," she is being ridiculous by saying that schools DEF SHOULD NOT TEACH THAT ever. Like, other than the ABCs, WTF is kindergarten for if not to get kids used to interacting with other people in a respectful, somewhat socially acceptable way? These

If we're all supposed to honor and respect you for being big strong men willing to take a bullet to enforce the law and protect the public, maybe you shouldn't undercut that by being hysterically overreactive crybabies about the slightest implication that maybe somebody in your ranks is doing a shitty job?

Pelosi gets double points for what she said, since Boehner is one of the people who thinks Social Security and Medicare are drains on our budget and not really necessary. But you'd best believe we won't be reading any headlines saying he has decided to eschew them to set a good example for the rest of the country.

Isn't Nancy also throwing shade at the fact that republicans are notoriously against social welfare programs? That whole next level of shade is down right shudder worthy!

People who believe in creationism should just be lined up and shot for being too stupid to live, and too dangerous to have walking around in society.

For your sake I hope she doesn't see that post.

Right? I'm sick of this cool pope shit. He still heads up an organization that hoards money while children of their followers starve, actively works to subjugate women's rights at every opportunity, and still hasn't really handled that whole child-raping-priests thing. Instating this pope is such an obvious propaganda

I have always said I can't worship the god people try to sell me. He is a fucking brat. And an asshole. A vain, horrible asshole. Why would I worship that? How can anyone?*

Was she even Catholic? Why do religious institutions feel as if we all need to know their opinions on other people's actions? I don't give a fuck what the Vatican's Pontifical Academy for Life thinks about this woman's actions and I know that I'm not alone.

I've made this same claim when talking about reproductive choice with the hyper religious folks I know. How can you be against interfering with God's plan for abortion, but be down to test tube baby it up by any means necessary?

If you genuinely believe that God and Jesus are up in heaven waiting for you and that this world is just a shadow and a prelude to a greater and eternal world, why would death be so terrifying. It mystifies me. Wouldn't you be looking forward to joining Jesus? My aunt recently died of a pretty horrendous terminal