
lol perfect ^^ it takes a special kind of fucked up to think your opinion on what someone else does with their life/body matters in the slightest, and to take that further and shove that unwanted opinion in people's faces (outside abortion clinics, outside this woman's house, etcetc) during a time they probably need

Yep, if only Stewart had thought to have been born to Fred C. Koch.

Because having 18+ children is, by most people's standards, fucking insane? And people love to rubberneck crazy situations.

Well, at least half their viewers DEFINITELY share their crazy Christian... perspective. (I was gonna say "values," but not, I'm not fucking legitimizing that crap even by proxy.) There are a lot of crazy Christian folk in this country. I'm assuming the rest, like me, stared in horror and curiosity at the sheer number

Yes and no one should refuse sex to anyone ever either! Because if your mom had told your dad no that night and he'd had to jerk off instead, you wouldn't exist!

Plus it makes no sense. It's like asking ppl "how you like being hispanic" or "so, do you like being a twin?" When something is just the way it is you're not glad per se, bc the alternative was never an option. Also, if my mom had aborted me I wouldn't care, since depending on your view of these things I would either

FYI readers of InStyle, Time, Sports Illustrated, Entertainment Weekly and People: Time Inc. is officially being spun off from parent company Time Warner, leaving the publications' fates even more in flux. The new company is already $1.3 billion in debt and the editorial budget across all titles is being cut 25%, yet

I don't say this often, but, thank God I was raised Protestant.

It's actually connected to the story about the teen who was body-shamed at a homeschool prom. They deny it, but it's a totally Christian dance and her family was Quiverfull, which is why she is still homeschooled. I read her sister's blog posts about being raised in the movement and how damaging it was. http://www.hann

I'm guessing that the whole "up to god" thing was just cover for Jim Bob's pregnancy fetish.


My name is on the list AND I live in AZ. I'm so cray.

You don't think using racial slurs against a minority group is offensive? Ok. I guess you're entitled to that opinion too.

I disagree that christianizing a conquered people and damning cultural taboos under which women are suffering are equal imperialistic.