
That’s the exact same thing I thought. Obviously he’s also got the same idiot IQ level that goes along with inbreeding.

So that's what the avatar of white male privilege looks like. Way to miss the point as thoroughly as it is possible to miss the point, jerk.

Why is everything about strength? This maddens me. It’s like no other personality trait exists.

Basically all women need to do is stand up for themselves or quit the job. I mean they can just fall back on their immense trust fund to help them make it to the next job, am I right?

In my compassionate moments, I do pity him. He spends so much damn time on the gasbaggy defensive, he’s had no time to develop any actual character.

It’s honestly a little sad, and I would pity him if he didn’t have so much power to inflict so much harm. I couldn’t believe it when he went on the attack on the Khans; how can you possibly think it’s a good idea to attack the grieving mother of a war hero. I post sometimes on the Trump for President Facebook page,

It...actually explains a lot about Trump’s mindset, if true. If the assumption is you’re at fault for being attacked, and that every negative opinion or comment is viewed as an attack, then you do everything you can to prove it’s not your fault and, I guess, attack back to prove it.

Need some tax returns to confirm this!

I see what you mean, but this is not an aristocratic family. Trump’s pretty new money, isn’t he?

It’s almost as if they’re trying to antagonize anyone who isn’t a racist white male...

It's like they can't land on the decent, non-shitty opinion on anything. Not even by accident. How is this possible?

Have you learned nothing? If you’re harassed, just quit your job. Boys will be boys, after all. And that will in no way help perpetuate that behavior. /s

Well, I am glad they asked Eric to clarify his father’s nonsense opinions. I feel so much better knowing sexual harassment happens because most women don’t possess Ivanka’s immense strength and courage. Okay!

That’s the kind of face you normally see after hundreds of years of aristocratic in-breeding. I’ve seen a plate of mashed potatoes with more distinction.

TIL I’m a weak woman for keeping silent about sexual harassment because I feared retribution. The more you know! How can the GOP be the party of ignorance if their candidate and his family educate Americans on important issues every day?!