If your institution is able to, get something like a watering can and keep it in the bathrooms. It’s what my friend’s family does. Cup problem solved.
If your institution is able to, get something like a watering can and keep it in the bathrooms. It’s what my friend’s family does. Cup problem solved.
Assuming the refugees are Muslim, the cup thing is a part of the ablutions necessary before prayer. So the men are likely doing it too.
I went to a residential high school for gifted students, so I was obviously a high strung over achiever. I get called out of dorm room by the hall director, who yells at me and says I’m getting written up because I was unaccounted for at the last fire drill. I’m starting to freak out because I knew I was there. I…
I’m a pescetarian, so dairy, soy, and eggs are some of my main protein sources. Is it necessary to eliminate them simultaneously?