I Can Hear The Fart Beating as One

FACT: Idiot dudes always respond well to cited study results that contradict their jokes.

Doesn’t the Gawker Media style guide mandate using the full title “Ghostface Killah” for the first mention in the article, and then employing “Ghostface”, “Ghost”, “Ghostdeini”, “Toney Starks”, or “Starkey Love” for any subsequent mentions?

What about people who are ONLY famous for being on Instagram? Is it just a matter of pure numbers, or are Jen Selter’s however many million followers worth less than Kardashian or whoever’s?

I saw like 5 variations on this joke, though. I will have to compile them and compare time stamps to see which one wins.

Fat, bald white guy with a beard who started listening to DJ Khaled after some homeless guy outside my office building started calling me that in 2010 (circa “All I do is Win). I need a POC to pass judgement on whether or not I am allowed to keep liking him, in light of his growing social media profile, at his or her

Are you “friends” with Blake on Facebook? He’s had a rough year, and he hasn’t aged very well. He looks like a cross between Kramer from “Seinfeld” and one of my great-uncles.

I miss the days when all you needed to be emo was a good colorblock sweater. Then it just got to be too much work with the hair and the eyeliner and everything.

Did you have a one “this dude” per paragraph quota on this story?

Doesn’t “beyond reproach” mean they did everything right?

Year of the Fanboy Commenter, much!?

Maybe room together in a retirement community. Someplace quiet where we can remember what we remember and enjoy our music with guitars?

Just wait until they get around to rebooting everything, then we’ll be with it again.

That’s because we talked about it on our date last week.


You should try online dating. That will keep you PAINFULLY well-informed about how lame your taste in music is now.

It’s not even the fact that I watched it, just the fact that it’s one of the 3 or 4 children’s shows that always get referenced by people of almost any age, along with Mr. Rogers or Sesame Street.

I was hoping the fart joke would make people think I was an 8-year old who had gotten into my dad’s CD collection.

Tell me about it. It was like not being able to find any personalized “Frank” mugs or keychains at any gift shop ever. Who knows what it did to my sense of self-worth?

At first I was kind of shocked that people might not know what “Romper Room” is, but then I remembered that it went off the air 20 years ago and at 35 I’m in the autumn of my years so this is what life is like now.


I’m talking about the ones where they send you somewhere to kill ghouls/raiders/super mutants, or to save a kidnap victim, which are endless AND time-sensitive. I finally got all my settlements defended well enough that they don’t need help with attacks.