and you will not rest until you post the same (simple and unsupported) comment on every post you disagree with!
and you will not rest until you post the same (simple and unsupported) comment on every post you disagree with!
Dad owns the biggest motorcycle sales and service center in two states, yeah, really trash
Video Directed by Steve Lehto
His engine’s sweating, power’s weak, steering’s heavy.
actually, this was one of the major design flaws in the freedom class identified during trials. salt water shooting up the haws introduced massive corrosion problems in very short order, because the anchor chain wears away the paint in like 5 minutes.
thought they were supposed to be fixing the design.
Freedom class has…
As a lover of diesel trucks, I applaud this. The last thing anyone needs are douchebags listening to Florida Georgia Line too loud giving everyone that likes diesels a bad name.
Isn’t that diesel exhaust still cleaner than the ambient NJ air?
I've done this. Here is the most effective way, lie. Call like normal and ask about the vehicle. Tell them that you go to *(insert semi-local college in their area) but just got home on a little vacation as you do not have class for a bit, hence your different area code. Tell them you've wanted a vehicle like…
Enthusiast forums can be a good way to go, but then you have to deal with a much larger proportion of sellers convinced that their heap of rust has been lovingly curated for the last decade, and who expect you to pay accordingly. And the sellers for whom ownership (or, at least, talking on the internet about…