F'mal DeHyde

I hope like hell the mother was the pit bull.

Agree on the lying but I’m also interested in his dick size.

I could convince you otherwise if you were locked in a room with me after eating ice cream.

Then your outrage is perfectly normal and healthy.

I assumed that’s the way the original poster spelled it. I guess we could have gotten a “sic” to let us know it was misspelled in case we were confused.

I’ll never get his Letterman visit out of my mind, no matter how chiseled he gets.

I’m really not seeing that. Maybe the creepy factor is too strong.

Jumper was a pretty good book, I wasn’t too pleased with the movie version.

I freaking LOVE Roland Emmerich disaster movies, 2012 is one of the funniest movies I’ve ever seen. John Cusack is driving through a city that’s collapsing right behind him for about five minutes, it’s utterly ridiculous.

Wow, that looks better than 90% of the “professionally” made trailers I’ve seen lately. Really impressive.

Older white woman here. I laughed out loud when he slapped her, she’s just a drunk, nasty B. No one should have to put up with that shit.

I didn’t know they could be domesticated.

Jesus, that poor elephant.

I remember when I was little, I asked my mom who would win in a fight, a wolverine or a Tasmanian Devil. Come on, how could he not know.

I’m proud to say that she replied to one of my posts a long time ago.

Even Jezebel? I’m not sure I’d be too proud of that.

I once saw a cat run over exactly like that header pic, it was struggling to get up even though it had been flattened to the road through its middle.

Trigger warning, you sadistic bastard.

I’ve never seen anyone make such a grotesque expression without trying.

He’s a brave man.

Subtle sarcasm is the best sarcasm.

I saw something similar on twitter yesterday. Great minds...