F'mal DeHyde

Oh yeah, her on that damn boat. She's never satisfied and she's a bitch about it. Gah!

Madison goes into new situations and immediately demands whatever she wants. In that world, she would have been shot in the face many times over by now but instead, she's treated like a princess. It's really annoying.

I thought Daniel's redemption arc was more interesting than anything they're doing with Madison and family.

Do they perform MRIs for PTSD? It made it look like he was being checked for a brain injury or tumor.

They introduced Sherlock's brain problems/mother too abruptly, I don't remember any mention of this until last episode. Did I miss something?

Why do I reply to people like you? Jesus.

Because his mother is dead, you dingdong. No one knows who this new character is.

Glad it's not just me. I still don't understand how Sherlock's mother is supposed to be involved, how this might be an imaginary person and why she said they love each other. WTF is going on?

Katie Cassidy must be friendly with a producer on that show.

I was crying my eyes out at Alfred's introduction to Ragnar.

Sharon Gless is only 13 years older than Geena Davis. That's going to bug me a lot while watching this. Other than that, I love the twist.

I was just saying that I hope he's not typecast, he's a good actor.

Another Dana Andrews movie that's "adult" is The Best Years of Our Lives and despite the happy sounding title, it's pretty grim. Excellent movie though, it deserved all the awards it received.

They forgot the makeup on her neck. Unless they wanted a clear indication that she's wearing a shade about 10 times darker than her natural color.

I'll keep watching till the bitter end, I love this show… warts and all.

Hell yeah.

He's Scottish and he'll cut a bitch. Don't piss him off.

Why would they need a real "priceless "antique in the film anyway, I doubt anyone would be able to tell.

Excellent video. When do we get to watch the one with all the Asian and Latin winners?

Jezebel is the worst. You go against the hive mind and you're under attack. I can't even read the comments there anymore, they make me feel stabby.