Your comment, might be, the dumbest one, possible, on this, topic..
Your comment, might be, the dumbest one, possible, on this, topic..
So let’s talk about it honestly. A child with an illegally obtained firearm crossed state lines and, while only equipped with said gun (instead of the first aid he claimed to possess), brandished it at multiple unarmed civilians. After being called out for being the punk he was, he shot and killed an unarmed man after…
He went looking for a fight and found one. That isn’t self defense, except in Wisconsin and Florida.
The same cast couldn’t return, as they are all too busy earnin’.
Perhaps one that won’t continue to demean people that are most at-risk of being murdered?
First of all, once the the founder decided to discuss the Blizzard scandal in a public interview, he 100% opens the door for considering his words and his staffing decisions as a leader.
“I’d like to think that the last seven years would have given me the benefit of the doubt in regards to how I try to treat people,” Cawthon wrote in the now locked Reddit thread.
Fuck off
Maybe the DA leads will round up all the negative reactions to the idea of DA4 as a live service game, put them into a PowerPoint presentation, and use it as leverage to get EA to back off. :)
“Meanwhile, The Daily Star’s story continues to be up on the paper’s site; the organization has been sued for (and settled over) libel charges a number of times over the years, but it’s still baffling that they thought they could get away with allegedly straight-up inventing an interview with one of Earth’s most…
If this deal does not include severance for all 250+ employees as well as continued health insurance then the people buying this game and supporting the company that sold its workers out are worse than trash.
Do. Not. Support. What. They. Did.
better all the work they did never sees the light of day
Yay! The employees are all out of work with no severance or health insurance, but I get my video game!
Look up Rape of Nanking to understand why Japanese and non-Japanese would probably feel uncomfortable in their own ways.
because warhammer is so closed to modding they couldnt do anything :(
you know, the guy who made that remix / video made the music for my video game!
Amano’s original artwork for Terra had her blonde, but the spritework and the portrait used in the original SNES release had her with the iconic mint green hair. Dissidia had the blonde hair be the normal outfit, and the mint green be the alternative outfit. I feel the mint green is more recognizable, especially with…
This is about the oddest take on this situation I can imagine.
Yes, there have been acts of genocide and other forms of horrific (and often mass-scale) violence throughout human history. That we have reached a point in our collective social consciousness where we say, “Hey, this shit isn’t okay, and supporting the…
That is a pretty minor detail to dismiss a game over. Recruiting lords is instant and you can dismiss them after they have done their job. I also think that it cuts down on all the minor armies that was running around in earlier games, clutting up the world and making the game take ages. As a old school fan of both…