
for reference (I took a figure skating class for about 2 years) ice skates are impractical, but surprisingly not that hard to walk in. Provided you’re wearing plastic bladeguards and off the ice. Those were high heels though, so that would definitely be different, and harder to walk in. I have trouble with highish

Anon and Kanon are THE BEST FLIPPIN vocaloids. Seriously.

Seeing as many kids carry 3 400 page long books and rocks to and from school, a backpack that lasts is helpful.

Chibi miku! :D

Lung cancer maybe? Japan has a lot of smokers.

When I was like 4 spirited away scared the living marshmallow fluff out of me.

Google cardboard or some other VR thing maybe, because then it would just show the camera stuff and the Pokemon.

A garbage truck would be killer for egg hatching.

That girl is SOOO SO SOO SO SO SOOOOOO cute!!!!

How are you standing on that water, Mr. Krabby?

I frown upon you, puny mortal dog, for I AM THE MIGHTY DODUO!!!!

The wii is doing just fine thank you very much.

What book?

Sometimes they insist upon digging trough your underwear, even though you’ve told them 50 times that the water bottle is on the side, not on the bottom with your undies.

I varnished my dresser so I doubt it’ll disintegrate.

Extremely probable

The bottom drawer on my Ikea dresser is pretty much just sweaters and pajamas. Lots of them. I have more clothing in that drawer than pants and shirts combined, probably.

It’s really good!

Oh no no no. Only the spoiled fat cats want to kill you. The cute cuddly baby kittens (I’m melting because of the cuteness)