
Obviously the author has never flown international before as the flight times quoted edge on the fantastical. 17h NYC-London, “only” 7h by concorde? Such uninformed babble has unfortunately become the norm here... An inexcusable disgrace this Erin Marquis!

Basically the writer just decided to make up all the numbers and even her one of her strongest arguments, price was directly discussed by Musk himself: “Cost per seat should be about the same as full fare economy in an aircraft”. I don’t know if he can actually pull it off but I can guarantee you that he knows his

I was going to say. Seventeen hours from NY to London? On what, a turboprop?

Lockheed Constellation ? Spirit of St Louis?

“Yet while it cut the 17-hour flight from New York to London down to seven,” You seriously stand by these numbers? In what dimension does it take 17 hours to fly from New York to London?

maybe the writer of this article should read up about the concorde first: a normal NYC to London flight is about 7-8, the concorde cut that down to 3.5 h. pretty snazzy

What flight from new york to london takes 12 hours.... its more like 6.

Yeah, if the dealer won’t tell me where the pussy magnet is located I walk. I think they dont want me to service it myself.

Wow talk about overly dramatic narration. “Yeah super bad crazy mega beast mode winds tearing up all the mobile homes”- one house has a lone tarp blow off. Shut up you nutjob

If your foot was on the clutch, then it wouldn’t have turned off. If you stop inside a junction, then don’t put it in neutral and take your foot off the clutch.

I call BS. In manual BMWs, the engine only shuts off when the clutch is out and the gear lever is in neutral. As soon as your foot touches the clutch pedal to put the car back in gear, the engine restarts. Faster than you can get your foot to the floor and the car back in gear. Now on an automatic, I kind of hear you,

Maybe the government should stop imposing such inane restrictions. VW diesels are perfectly fine and don’t damage the environment. The problem is the U.S. government, not Volkswagen

Fixed it for you:

Meanwhile, a 30-something couple-he an actuarial, she an Office Depot manager-drove by in their 2015 Toyota Camry. Never exceeding the speed limit by anything that would garner attention they arrived at their unremarkable house without drama a half-hour later.

Two men dressed in pilots’ uniforms walk up the aisle of the aircraft. Both are wearing dark glasses, one is using a guide dog, and the other is tapping his way along the aisle with a cane.

Nervous laughter spreads through the cabin, but the men enter the cockpit the door closes, and the engines start up. The

Where in Germany are you posted? How difficult was it gettingb all the paperwork to drive it? How about maintenance?

Agree with you 100%. It’s the cool thing to say on car forums now. “Turbo engines don’t last!”

While anecdotes are just that, my wife and I have put our 3.5L EcoBoost Taurus SHO through hell for the past 7 years and it still isn’t dead yet. It’s been overseas and has spent much of its life at speeds above 120 MPH.

That’s a great story and all, but I saved over $3k (around 7%) on the last car we bought, and we’re still very happy with it four years in. I’m guessing the 32 people who have starred your post either sell cars for a living (wishful thinking) or are the kind of people who pay MSRP and are looking for validation.

Did everyone notice him “readjusting” the medal necklace moments after it was placed by the king? “Oh you didn’t place it right around my fat neck, let me fix your mistake”. Goes along with his shuffeling papers around for no reason, and moving glasses around the table just to show him being busy... such a self

Haha well there’s another person with the same name on Kinja, except no spaces. We once had a little dispute about who had it first, but either way it seems we both came up with it independently.