
A fake Gjallahorn that shoots Tshirts

Literally, what the fuck did Bungie spend $500 million on?


Sorry, but I won't stop having sex with your sister.

Pro tip: If you blend in and act like you belong somewhere, most people wont think twice. This is true “almost” everywhere.

man imagine a party full of dudes who are incredibly defensive of Ted 2

So glad I stopped pre-ordering games. Thanks Luke.

Remember when destiny first launched and the worst people had to complain about was getting screwed out of good loot by Master Rahool?

As Jim Sterling said, devs and publishers will keep doing this shit because they know they can, for the time being, get away with it.

Good on them for changing their tune, but I think it is kind of sad that there needed to be this outpouring of negative feedback for them to realize their business model was scummy and underhanded.

“The Taken King Collector’s Edition Digital Content consists of: (3) Class Specific Emotes, (3) Armor Shaders, and (3) Exotic Class Items with XP Bonuses.”

Oh, We’re sorry. Here, let’s fix it but giving you what you ‘want’ by waaaay overcharging you for a couple of emotes, colors, and items. Remember when $20 would net

Did you just read the headline... maybe the first paragraph... and then come down here to comment? The actual complaint is all spelled out up there.

“Its like Hearthstone with Bugs”

Except that there are quite a few 1st world countries (Finland, e.g.) where public ownership of automatic weapons is legal, and one (Switzerland) where practically everyone has an AUG above their mantle. (The saying goes, Switzerland doesn’t HAVE an army, Switzerland IS and army.) The story of US crime is the story of

Finally someone talking some sense around here.

Feels like America just won the World Cup.

they have to in order to keep ahead of the local flora and fauna.

The Jeffersons won’t be happy to hear that.

Here is the transcript from the Bears after signing him. It was a joke then, but now it is downright pathetic.

Teabagging. Teabagging never changes.