
Agreed. Snyder really doesn't get enough credit, he's got a great visual style on par with Ridley Scott and a real epic weight to his work that few directors can really capture.

I figured there would be some loss of his back end as EP because of the reshoots but he was also responsible probably for securing financing in the first place so I wasn't sure how that worked. I'd love to have a peek at the contract.

Speaking as a professional as well I concur somewhat, but as a general rule it is pretty true as indies or low budget stuff usually never gets reshoots and any re-writes as those happen on set during production usually. And you are absolutely right about the length of reshoots being sort of key in determining

Agreed, re-writes with re-shoots are always a bad sign. On the other hand films that get pushed (or even shelved; Cabin In The Woods) it is normally a good thing.

There is no Skittles, only Zuul.

Duncan Idaho's last stand in Dune or Miles Tegs final showdown against the Honored Matres in Dune: Chapter House. 300 (obviously). John Hartigan in That Yellow Bastard. Robbins (Ray Liotta) in No Escape. The entire Colonial Marines squad minus Hicks in Aliens. I wanna say that time Wolverine got crucified but I doubt

There could be a whole network dedicated to that show and I'd tune in.

Right in the begining of the vid there is a monitor. Camera right.

So are we abandoning the whole "Hitman is based off of AC" narrative we heard earlier?

My big question is; why would an advanced civilization want to have anything to do with us when there are bigger and bolder fish in the universe to catch? If you can transverse the cosmos at will why would something that you'd consider to be un-evolved to be of any concern regardless of how many radio waves you spit

Murder of Crows?

If you mean cool by holding an empty gun then; yes.

Personally I feel that anti-Robin sentiment adds to the greater discussion of the Batman mythos. Without him the story loses a major component of the greater whole, and in some ways he is just as much part of the rogues gallary than any villian. I don't think anyone honestly hates The Joker, Two-Face, or whoever the

At its best, it is a sand box of methodical slaughter or bullet drenched mayhem. At its worst, its gothic nun chicks pandering to a sense of style rightfully dead for over a decade.

So a work of speculative non-fiction would be considered fantasy in your book?

I can't think of better proof as to why the Academy Awards are completely irrelevant.

I wouldn't say that, Kubrick was a god among men, but Bronson in my view was an antithetical view of A Clockwork Orange. Similar character arcs but with vastly different endings.

Like I said, not a genre; a circus tent. I'd point out the flaws in your logic but you don't seem to have a grasp on the definition of the word genre.

That isn't really what I took from the game but it has been a while since I've played it so I can't speak first hand to the plot or motivation for Wander.

I think they used the same track in the marketing for both films. I would name it but fuck I'm tired and don't feel like tracking it down.