
I am not sure exactly, but I think it was the Emporer battle. He kept pulling some cheap move that just angered me to no end.

Destroyed one during The Force Unleashed 2, final boss battle. Almost destroyed one today during Dead Space 2 oddly enough. Then of course I remembered the very expensive lesson TFU2 taught me...

I beleive they released the OST as a free DL at one point so don't feel bad about snagging it via torrent.

Speaking to Half Life or Portal. If anyone out there personally knows Gabe and could contact him, please let him know that an up and coming screenwriter would love to adapt the work to screen in a faithful rendition of those original gems.

But it isn't an advance in technology. Higher frame rates have been around since the beginning of film but the reason they aren't used is for the reasons stated above; it actually looks cheaper and not as "filmic" because the human brain has trouble processing things at speeds above 24fps. Why Jackson is doing this is

I can count about five films that don't classify as sci-fi or fantasy, probably more if you get hyper critical. Am I missing something or are we just padding the numbers?

Years back I worked at a corner pizza shop that had a "Cheeseburger Pizza" which was absolutely awesome. Don't knock until you try it.

Jessie Ventura looks pretty short in that pic...

So you're basically saying that Mass Effect is about a decades worth of bad sci-fi tv mixed with a few unoriginal ideas; glad I never played any aside from the first.

I never had an issue with it, my thumbs ached a little after long periods of play but that is all.

It actually really did look that bad. The frame rate was better but the textures were pretty spot on from the original IMO.

Actually was the reason I bought a BR player, however the transfer is an early 80's cut without the original dubbing (which IMO is bad) so all the color balance issues they fixed in the re-releases aren't present (something I liked, again IMO) also there isn't much in the way of special features. I'd actually wait for

Obviously anyone replying to this article with some variation of "how the fuck do you play this on an iPad?" has never played the rather excellent port of GTA3 Rockstar released back in fall of last year. I'll probably pick this up on the release day.

His brother owning the ROV company is basic business; work with people you know.

Cars have patented parts from literally thousands of manufacturers but still manage to get them on the road, right? IP can be very personal for artists as another factor in this; a songwriter produces a song about their alcohalic father and doesn't want samples of it used in a beer ad, they should have that right as

Songs can be co-written or contain samples from other published works, they even may be derivatives of other works using melodies or hooks from thus said works...

"We believe that BlackBerry cannot succeed if we try to be everybody's darling and all things to all people,"

Been struck bt lightning? Check. Chainsaw injury? Lawn mower count? Then check.

Death by giant cod piece chainsaw!

"Accidentally" refers to something done without concious action, this is a willful act of harm misdirected to an innocent victim.