
As much as I understand how market forces drive and expand companies I can't help but somewhat agree with Lazaridis in his strategy. In the coming years when data becomes even more expensive and the cost of operation becomes even more apparent for mobile in comparison, I think many companies would take a hard look at

Sorry. Quitting smoking. Either way it took knowing that people look at you differently or at the very least pretend not to notice this situation to realize how vain and vapid humanity can be when they perceive their bodies as perfect without obvious or natural flaw.

"Some may see despair when they look upon a double amputee in a wheelchair..."

Absolutely. I am a bit partial to the P-38 as it is both unique in body style but the P-51 is still a gem.

There were many spots in the film like this but I chalk it up to Boll making a statement about the lack of empathy in mankind. Granted it is clumsy, heavy handed, and by most standards pretty dumb but I guess it's like watching a moron make a relatively intelligent comment despite how obvious his observation is.

Boll made a film not that long ago which is the only one of his works I can recommend; Rampage. Simple story, plenty of bloodletting, and surprisingly interesting coming from his usual fair. I hate to be the jerk in the room but I think Boll has been the new Rodger Corman of his age and time will judge him as thus.

Had to do it.

CG imperfections aren't as apparent in this medium but I do have to agree. Although when when watching initially I couldn't tell which from which because of how quickly they cut through things.

I'm actually curious now about the production process involved with "recording" smells during filming. Would there be an additional person along with sound or would it entirely be a post production process?

Actually when I was in elementary school someone (whom to this day to the best of my knowledge was never identified) wrote "FUCK" in gasoline or some sort of grass killing agent of the lawn of the school. Which was about three regulation soccer fields wide, so to be honest... this doesn't really impress me. It just

I image 3 tons of Jerry's strapped to the shuttle as it launches and I just keep smiling...

Honestly, laugh all you want about M. Nesmith. He produced one of the greatest films of my life and many others. A little diddy some call "Repo Man".

In case anyone hasn't seen the BF3 screens and films they are easily found via Google, honestly this looks like garbage in comparison.

Wait just one second. Stan Lee invented his own comic strip aside from gleaming the chaff from his co-workers? Man I have to re-think my history of this asshole.

Two points I'd like to make: