
issa tweeted last night about how the show would do a better job acknowledging safe sex going forward, w a couple screenshots of condom wrappers in the background

please cover this show & cover queen sugar! missing out on great tv

I know they set it up so that Jane & Rafael had to double-team Mateo, and I know that since I'm not a parent, my opinion isn't as valid/warranted…

I've only seen the last season, but you get the gist if you've seen 4 out of the various "best SATC episodes ever" list-icles out there on the internet

the Sex and The City references were A-1. I screamed every time I saw Gina in those long wavy extensions.

i read this after reading the "The Americans" review, and the direct contrast in writing and recognizing the quality of acting/direction/cinematography is so insane. i feel like i'm on two separate websites. AV Club really needs to get better writers on shows that actually have good substance. this is all basic

to me, this is the clear answer as to what's going on w/ Gabrielle. it's actually laughable how angry these arguments in the comments are getting defending Claire's bullshit excuses

to your points #2 4 and 5… race & class plays a HUGE factor in all of this. cops in a well-to-do neighborhood (couldn't have gotten far on foot) see a black woman leaving a restaurant with a white kid while the server is shouting after her about the check? then they go back to the white family's McMansion & find out

my mom told be about her rape when i was 17. of course i was shocked and my heart broke, but i wasn't scarred for life. in a way i gained a different level of respect and understanding about her & her choices in life. granted, i was fairly emotionally intelligent as a teenager. i think it just depends on the mother &

matthew rhy's face of pure shock on that phone call was hilarious

i have the same gut feeling. pasha's suicide would be heartbreaking, & the aftermath on everyone would be a good counter to this slow start to the season

that is amazing on so many levels

this show is amazing. that is all.
(too tipsy on rosé atm to scroll through the comments to reply to y'all's insightful notes - but a general I AGREE

i agree - automatically thinking that every character that shows kindness/compassion to another character must mean romantic interest is indicative of not fully understanding the work.

AV club is weirdly selective with its tv reviews. This site overrates You're the Worst, underrates this show, reviewed every episode of The League, yet no coverage for Ava Duvernay's Queen Sugar? very frustrating

claire said it in the episode though, the scene in the kitchen…

we are supposed to know what she said though. the scene in the kitchen, claire told nick what she said before she put the tea kettle on

agree with everything in this comment - Claire and Nick are much more compelling to watch than Jeanette and Carson.

most likely telenovela influenced, don't think about it too hard.
but then again, even for telenovelas, the vest looks brand freaking new! i'm holding onto this conspiracy

yeah that's what i thought too. i mean growing up, i called most of my mom's close friends "auntie"