
My only quibble is that it looks like you'll need a crane to load stuff into that hatch. But I think we can stop calling Hyundai an upstart. They are completely in the mix.

Wow, that engine bay looks crowded. You could drop a safety pin in there and not lose it.

Is that an actual rendering? If so, then by "kick the Fiesta's butt" I assume he means "look exactly like the Fiesta." Nothing against Hyundai, but just sayin'.

Hire it out for some movie shoots and you've got your money back, and you still own the coolest car on the block.

Looks...not exactly angry, but like it means business. Round headlight are good.

Meh. Let 'em try it drift style, like that little kid...

This. We're a diverse species.

Aaaand...M-B designers are officially out of ideas.

You would just have to surrender to its weirdness and go with it, realizing that it's not really a 356 anymore, but a vaguely 356-shaped...something. But first you'd have to talk this seller down...wayyyy down.

MB couldn't have done this instead of the SLS, that bloated, ungainly homage to the original gullwing? Seriously, they could have created a new classic instead of insulting an old one.

Inflation adjusted, an Imperial would be a little too rich, so why not go literal?

Mashup, yes; tidy, no. The front is all 412, the back is like one of those generic Eastern European econoboxes adapted from an old Fiat.

UPDATE: The car is now making a direct appeal. It says, "Iran when parked."

Sure. I would just enter blindfolded, removing the protection when I was safely in the seat and looking OUT. Wow, that's an ugly interior. The gauge pod looks like a misshapen bathtub teetering sideways on the steering column. But the sheetmetal—about as good as angular gets, except maybe a Ferrari 400i.

I'm no structural engineer, but if I found myself on that bridge in a heavy vehicle, I'd be looking for the fastest way off, too.

I at one time badly wanted the AllTrac version of this, but by the time I was looking for one, they were too rare and too long in the tooth to find a proper example. Still, I think this one will find a home. NP.

I like the way they can wheel these things around like dessert carts. Colin Chapman would approve.

I've seen this.