
Impulse = Chevette?

I know just the place.

Although this isn't somebody homemade project, there's a principle that still applies here: its value to a buyer doesn't necessarily cover the work put into it. This is lovely and all, but it's still a C3, and it ain't worth $35K.

@Shamoononon: About a month ago, I was driving home with my wife from her 30th reunion. It was well past midnight, when I'm usually asleep already, and I got into a groove on the highway where I was hitting every green light; I found myself hoping for a red, something to change things up. I'm pretty sure I had an

Just non-car people (the ad agency) talking to non-car people (the intended audience). Let them live in their little world...moving on...

That interior looks luscious. Lose the golf ball dispenser and put an attractive wrapper on it, and maybe they've got something.

Tire pressure monitors may not solve everything, but mine saved my bacon yesterday. In the Pilot, 2 hours from home on I-78, the light went on, flagging the left rear. I was able to get off the highway and pull into an abandoned gas station. Sure enough, I could hear the hiss where a nail had gone through the tread. I

Concept: Epic. Execution: Meh.

If there is a FOTSBE, it will make things a whole lot easier here in Northwest NJ.

You hit 'em both—E-Type, pre-Malaise MGB. Now as for that photo—obviously faked. The lights are still on.

I feel for the guy with that headlight mounting problem. My wife hit a deer with our Caravan several years back and cracked the headlight. When I tried to replace it, I found the impact with the deer had ever so slightly deformed the mounting bracket, so the screw holes wouldn't line up. I think I left it hanging by

@makopolo: I thought the same thing...OK, not the pelican part. The Veyron just screams, "TRYING TOO HARD!!!"

Our locals currently have Crown Vics and Durangos in a charcoal gray that makes them melt into the background, even the marked vehicles. Put that color on this, and there's no hope for anyone.

Poke around the neighborhood on Street View, and you'll also find a Lebaron Town & Country 'vert with all the plastic wood trimmings.

In America, this would somehow end up involving CGI forest creatures and flatulence, and it would be shown only during the Super Bowl.

My boss still gets all wistful when he reminisces about his Maxima. If I lived in, say, the desert Southwest or Alameda or some other rust-arresting locale, sure, NP.