
Why is death popping out of an xB in the one on the left?

Awwww...I was ready to see tires 8 across at the back.

I, too, would recommend a Pilot to anyone who asks, and I have. In addition to its utility and driveability, our '07 at 100K has needed nothing but routine maintenance. Nothing has broken, nor does anything appear close to breaking. And if something breaks tomorrow, it's still far outdone anything else I've owned.

Toyota. Moving forward. Taking 'em back.

@Bluecold: Actually, if they insist on going with this trend, I think it works better on bigger cars. Proportionally, the back doesn't look so high and stubby (like the Acura ZDX), and the roofline doesn't look chopped off at the tail. I think this is pretty well done.

@SlowMo: There's counseling for people forced to witness such things. got Pontiac in my Hyundai!

@SlowMo: Both of these live in my dream garage, but there's something about the 6 that gets my heart racing just a little faster, per yesterday's QOTD.

All of the soulless attempts to fill this one's shoes.

Crew takes a break from pre-production testing of an Unidentified French Off-roader.

I think that's how they snagged me with an expired registration once. (I had straight up forgotten about it.) A little embarrassing to pull into church with a cruiser on your tail.

True story: My boss drives his car (Taurus or Five Hundred, I think) to Sears, parks near the auto service area, but he's only going shopping. When he comes back, the car isn't where he parked it. He goes into the service center, says he needs the cops because his car has been stolen. The staffer asks what kind of

@₁Ash 78 ₂Sobriety 0: I would love to see this in America, but you know it would come out looking like this.

Googled that address and checked it out on Cowpath View. No one would hear you scream.

Apply directly to forehead.

@Pessimippopotamus: Looks like a P1800 mated with a '63 Vette and the result was exposed to high doses of radiation. I like it.

Pontiac G8.

@SLRSpeedshop: And where did it end up? New Jersey, about 20 minutes from me, for some very specialized cleaning. I never did hear how that turned out.

Tolls roads are sheer evil genius. Collecting tolls to fund the cost of...collecting tolls.