
Dude, where's my grille?

It appears to have a wiper. Why?

Unable to secure a Viper for the exhibition, the organizers dispatched an intern to find "something like it."

This is what the CTS coupe was trying to be. Not denying that the Caddy is an amazing car (that people can actually buy), but this Audi gets the proportions nearly perfect. That little hint of curvaceousness in the fenders just seals the deal.

Clearly, the mistake here is the failure to go to a push-button starter.

I look at this, and I think of the original 6, and it's like meeting your high school quarterback 30 years later, and he's kind of pudgy and balding and his clothes don't fit very well. Just sad.

Please, please build this. Rarely does a 'tribute' capture the vibe of the original. This does.

Ummm...used diesel oil? Wouldn't that be airborne particulate matter captured from the stacks on a Kenworth? Am I missing something?

I know, the beauty is on the inside, but this hasn't aged well. It's not ugly, mind you, but it's a little Camry-ish.

It seems premature to judge the effectiveness of properly enforced texting laws. Intuitively, it still seems like a no brainer. Texting and driving is like balancing your checkbook while playing goalie. Your attention is divided between your wider surroundings and a small device directly in front of you. You're

The Continental/Imperial knockoffs of the bustle-trunk Seville. There was only one bite of that apple to be had, and Caddy got there first. And yes, against all reason and taste, I kinda like those Sevilles. It must be the riskiness of it compared with everything else GM was doing at the time.

I called in a drunk a couple of months ago. They caught him. I'm sure things are a mess for him right now. I don't hate the guy, and I feel sorry for any family he has, but I'm not sorry for what I did.

GM = Gross Miscalculation.

So, did he buy the bumper sticker when he was done?

I don't even remember what I was Googling when I stumbled across Jalopnik, but it was a DOTS post that popped up in the results, and I was hooked.

"Whitebread" edition? What?

HEY—I was born in '63, and I am NOT "nearly 50."